Debra AMELIA GEORGE Fake queen Losing!

It seems not only is the LAW after one Debra also seems that her little Facebook and internet following are slowly waking up to her evil ways and her lies! It is just a matter of time before she is seen for what  she really is...a FRAUD! She is the queen of DOPE and WINE! She is living in Trinidad...all she has is her computer and a wardrobe of false clothing to make her look the part of "Queen of Nubia"! Bill Bolland is her contact also in the seems mr. bolland provided Debra with the gear to look the part of royalty! SCAM SCAM SCAM!!!!!! In due time very soon, we shall see the fall of this disgusting monster that claims much but has little.  Her Phone number and Address will be posted soon, so she my be reported ONCE AGAIN to Government agencies!